Pottymouth in Iraq
''From our perspective, we don't see much as far as gains," said Marine Corporal Bradley Warren, the first to question Cheney in a round-table discussion with about 30 military members. ''We're looking at small-picture stuff, not many gains. I was wondering what it looks like from the big side of the mountain -- how Iraq's looking."
Cheney replied that remarkable progress has been made in the last year and a half.
''I think when we look back from 10 years hence, we'll see that the year '05 was in fact a watershed year here in Iraq," he said. ''We're getting the job done. It's hard to tell that from watching the news. But I guess we don't pay that much attention to the news."
Let me explain.
What I mean is, Georgie-Porgie and I don’t watch the news. At least we don’t watch the news together. Maybe he watches the news from time to time, I wouldn’t know. And every once in a while if there is a nice human interest story on lesbians or may be on “Brokeback Mountain, I’ll watch, so I can have something to talk about with the girls.
But I don’t watch these depressing stories about casualties and roadside bombs and Frist and DeLay, goddamn assholes, gonna fuck the whole program, and the goddamn New York toilet paper, all the news that’s shit to print, they’re tearing this country apart. Aid and comfort to the enemy, and demoralizing to our courageous troops. And now the terrorists know that we listen in on their communications for god’s sake. You know that “Roll Call” on that goddamn radical liberal NPR, probably has a lot of that goddamn Soros money behind it, and Buffet actually going with Sam Nunn and Turner to see that movie by those radical liberal environmentalists, who the hell do they think they are, and this Jim Liar or whatever ought to have his ass rendered unto Caesar in a casa I know about in Libya--Libya, for god’s sake, which is little enough in return for what we did for that towelhead Muamarr. And now we’ve got that yarmulke-wearing whore who will say anything he needs to say to save his sorry ass, and lose the majority in Congress, and when that levee gives way there’s no telling who is going to spend time in the slammer, along with Scooter and a dozen other decent, patriotic guys who were knocking themselves out trying to bring freedom and democracy to these camel-fucking bastards.
Excuse my french. But I feel a lot better now.
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